Jumat, 27 Juni 2008


Persyaratan Umum:
Warga Negara Indonesia;
Berusia minimal 18 tahun pada tanggal 30 Juni 2008;
Tidak pernah dihukum penjara atau kurungan berdasarkan putusan Pengadilan, karena melakukan suatu tindak pidana kejahatan;
Tidak pernah diberhentikan dengan hormat tidak atas permintaan sendiri atau tidak dengan hormat sebagai PNS, anggota TNI/POLRI, pegawai BUMN/BUMD atau pegawai swasta;
Tidak berkedudukan sebagai PNS atau CPNS;
Mempunyai pendidikan, kecakapan, keahlian, dan keterampilan yang diperlukan;
Berkelakuan baik;
Sehat jasmani dan rohani;
Bersedia bekerja pada instansi-instansi dalam lingkungan Departemen Keuangan, dan bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh wilayah Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia.

Persyaratan Khusus:
Mempunyai Indeks Prestasi Kumulatif (IPK) sekurang-kurangnya 3.00 dalam skala 4 bagi lulusan Sarjana (S1) dan 3.25 dalam skala 4 bagi lulusan Pasca Sarjana (S2);
Umur pada tanggal 30 Juni 2008, tidak lebih dari 27 tahun bagi pelamar lulusan S1 non Akuntan beregister (batas tanggal lahir 30 Juni 1981 dan setelahnya), dan 30 tahun bagi pelamar lulusan S1 Akuntan beregister dan S2 (batas tanggal lahir 30 Juni 1978 dan setelahnya).\


Selasa, 24 Juni 2008

Vacancy Dephi Programmer

Perusahaan kami bergerak di bidang IT
membutuhkan 2 orang Programmers.

Dengan requirement sbb:

* 2 orang programmer.
* Skill yang dibutuhkan (mandatory) :

- 1 tahun pengalaman di Oracle 10 PL/SQL
(function, procedure, package, package body, trigger, hint, indexing dll);

- 1 tahun pengalaman programming Delphi;
(mampu membuat aplikasi multithreading merupakan nilai tambah)

* Tugas : Merancang dan memprogram aplikasi berhubungan dengan database

* Pria/Wanita
* Usia maximal 27 tahun.
* Belum Menikah
* Dapat bekerja secara team atau mandiri
* Jujur, mau bekerja keras, teliti, dan mempunyai kemampuan komunikasi yang
* Mampu bekerja dalam tekanan

Kirim surat lamaran lengkap,CV dan foto terakhir serta
cantumkan PROGRAMMER sebagai subject email ke :

email : sdm@gskencana. co.id (attachment
max 100kb)

Paling lambat tgl 10 Juli 2008

Network Engineer DraftFCB Singapore Pte Ltd

Job Description:
Possess good leadership, planning, organizing & interpersonal skills.
Strong technical knowledge & experience in Network Systems Infrastructure.
Manage and support networking for enhancement and Control Changes to the Network Configuration.
Able to manage network problem: routers, switches, internet link and VPN tunnel.
Provide fault resolution and escalation.
Maintain Network Documentation and define processes to manage the network infrastructure.
Willingness to implement & manage new systems setup.
Installations and Responsible for execution, installation progress & timely delivery of
Able to assist the development team install application servers, upgrade of software.
Manages Windows 2000 – 2003 servers and Applications system.
Ensure servers have 100% uptime.
Monitor system logs and activity on all servers and devices.

Job Requirements:
Candidate must possess at least a Diploma or Advanced/Higher/Graduate Diploma In Information Technology or equivalent.
Possess Cisco Certification (CCNP/CCDP) and specialization.
Knowledge and experience in MPLS, Metro-Ethernet, will be an advantage.
At least 3 years of working experience in maintaining and managing data network Infrastructure/ Systems and Windows Servers Administration.
Good Communication and writing skills.
Excellent knowledge in the field of data networking.
Singaporean & PR only.
Salary Negotiable.

Interested applicants please send detailed resume to:

Email Address: ronnie.tan@interpublic.com

IT Assistant Manager/Banking/Central

IT Planning
IT Project Management
IT Budget Control
Review the IT investment budget and IT Project from other branches
Review the system security
Visit to overseas branches and support on IT area

Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science/Information Technology or equivalent.
Experience of system development for at least 4 years.
Experience in system planning for at least 4 years.
Experience of Banking business on either IT area or operation area.
Applicants should be Singaporean citizens or hold relevant residence status.

Interested candidates are welcome to submit your resume in MS Word format to madeline@jac-recruitment.sg

Senin, 23 Juni 2008

SAP HR Technofunctional Consultant(Genovate Solutions Pte Ltd)

Requirement :

The programmer should be technically proficient and experienced in the following areas :

· 2 years experience in ABAP programming

· Functional knowledge (2 years) of SAP-HR modules, especially the following:

Ø Payroll

Ø Personnel Management

Ø Organization Management

Ø Authorization & Security Profiles

· Experience in performing maintenance, development & support work

** Quality Management System procedures (ISO9001:2000) (will be an added advantage).

Please send your CV in a Word format to jobs@genovate.com and aiza@genovate.com stating your current and expected salaries ; and earliest availability.

Sabtu, 21 Juni 2008

PT. Askes (Persero)

PT. Askes (Persero) merupakan Badan Usaha Milik Negara, yang bergerak dalam bidang Asuransi Kesehatan, membutuhkan :

1. Staf Pengelola Program Kesehatan (kode PPK), pendididikan : Dokter, Apoteker/S1 Farmasi, S1 Keperawatan.
2. Staff Akunting / Keuangan (kode AKI), pendididikan S1 Ekonomi Akuntansi/Manajemen Keuangan.
3. Staf Pemasaran (Kode SAR), pendidikan S1 Ekonomi Manajemen Pemasaran.
4. Staf Riset (Kode RIS), pendididikan S1 Statistik.
5. Staff Teknologi Informasi & Komunikasi (kode TIK), pendidikan S1 Teknik Informatika, S1 Manajemen Informatika.
6. Sekretaris (kode SKR), pendidikan S1/D3 Sekretaris.

Dengan rincian kebutuhan sebagai berikut :
1 Dokter 8 7 9 11 7 15 8 13 6 4 6 7
2 Apoteker / S1 Farmasi 3 1 3 6 9 8 2 2 2 - 4 7
3 S1 Keperawatan - 2 2 6 5 7 6 5 3 2 3 -
4 SKM 1 4 5 2 - 6 2 2 2 2 3 2
5 S1 Ekonomi Akuntansi 2 2 2 2 1 2 4 3 2 3 1 1
6 S1 Manajemen Keuangan 2 1 - 3 1 3 4 2 3 1 2 2
7 S1 Statistik - - - 1 - - - - - - - -
8 S1 Ekonomi Manajemen Pemasaran 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 - - -
9 S1 Manajemen Informatika - - 1 1 - - - - 1 1 1 -
10 S1 Teknik Informatika - - 2 2 1 - - 1 1 1 2 1
11 D3/S1 Sekretaris - - - 4 - - - - - - - -

Catatan :
KR Lokasi KR Lokasi KR Lokasi KR Lokasi KR Lokasi KR Lokasi
I Medan III Palembang V Bandung VII Surabaya IX Makassar XI Denpasar
II Pekanbaru IV Jakarta VI Semarang VIII Samarinda X Manado XII Jayapura

Pria dan Wanita, usia maksimal 27 tahun dan khusus Dokter Pasca PTT maksimal 32 tahun
Indeks Prestasi Kumulatif (IPK) Minimal 2.75 bagi lulusan PTN dan 3.00 bagi lulusan PTS kecuali Dokter IPK minimal 2.50
Surat Keterangan Berbadan Sehat dan Bebas Narkoba (dari Dokter Rumah Sakit)
Bagi Staf Pengelola Program Kesehatan diutamakan mempunyai sertifikasi Ajun Asuransi (AAAIJ/AAIJ)
Menguasai Bahasa Inggris
Mampu mengoperasikan Komputer (MS.Word, MS Excel, Powerpoint)
Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh Indonesia
Khusus untuk staff Teknologi Informasi & Komunikasi (Kode TIK) harus menguasai dan mengerti : Visual Basic 6.0, SQL Server 2000, Konsep TCP/IP, Local Area Network (LAN). Work Area Network (WAN), OOP, UML serta memahami Sistem Informasi Manajemen (SIM).
Pelamar hanya dapat mengakses form aplikasi lamaran secara online di website http://rekrutmen-binatalenta.com dan mengisi lamaran sesuai dengan Propinsi asal Pelamar dan posisi jabatan sesuai dengan latar belakang pendidikan (pengiriman secara langsung tidak dilayani).

* Keputusan untuk memanggil pelamar dan penentuan hasil seleksi merupakan hak PT. Askes (Persero) serta tidak dapat diganggu gugat.
* PT. Askes (Persero) tidak melayani surat menyurat.
* Dalam proses seleksi ini tidak dipungut biaya apapun.

Jumat, 20 Juni 2008

Manajemen Data, Geomatika & TI PT PERTAMINA EP


Jakarta, 8 Juni 2008

1. Tenaga Ahli Pengembangan Aplikasi
Kualifikasi yang Dibutuhkan :
Pengalaman min. 3 tahun sebagai Programmer
Berpengalaman membangun aplikasi mulai dari awal hingga go-live menggunakan opensource (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP)
Menguasai perintah SQL
Berpengalaman membangun aplikasi berbasis Object Oriented sebagai credit point
Berpengalaman membangun jaringan berbasis Opensource untuk layanan DNS, email, ftp, ntp, LDAP dan services lainnya sebagai credit point
Menguasai Oracle Database sebagai credit point
Pendidikan min. Strata-1, bidang Teknik

2. Tenaga Ahli Web Designer (juga sebagai programmer)
Kualifikasi yang Dibutuhkan :
Pengalaman min. 3 tahun bekerja sebagai WEB Engineer
Pengalaman merancang dan membangun desain website suatu perusahaan
Memahami bahasa pemrograman PHP, syntax SQL basisdata
Menguasai salah satu paket pengolahan citra dan animasi (Photoshop, 3D Studio Max, Macromedia Flash)
Menguasai syntax CSS (Cascading Style Sheet)
Pendidikan min. Strata-1, Bidang Teknik

3. Tenaga Ahli System Administrator (juga sebagai Sysadmin)
Kualifikasi yang Dibutuhkan :
Pengalaman min. 3 tahun bekerja menangani jaringan TCP/IP
Menguasai penuh konsep jaringan TCP/IP (LAN & WAN)
Berpengalaman sebagai System Administrator sistem berbasis Opensource (Linux, freeBSD, dan lain-lain) – Mandatory
Berpengalaman secara sistem dengan beberapa distro linux co. Slackware, Debian/Ubuntu, CentOS/RedHat
Berpengalaman membangun jaringan berbasis Opensource untuk layanan mail server, web server, proxy, ftp, SNMP, DNS dan sekuriti jaringan (firewall, IPS/IDS, VPN, 802.1q, NAT)
Berpengalaman sebagai System Administrator sistem Windows (Acrive Directory & Domain) sebagai credit point
Pendidikan min. Strata-1, Bidang Teknik Elektro, Informatika, MIPA

4. Tenaga Ahli Jaringan & Telekomunikasi
Kualifikasi yang Dibutuhkan :
Pengalaman min. 3 tahun bekerja sebagai Network engineer dan/atau Telecommunication Engineer
Menguasai dan berpengalaman dalam pengembangan jaringan wired dan wireless, LAN dan WAN
Berpengalaman mengkonfigurasi dan mengelola perangkat jaringan dengan menggunakan protokol static & dynamic routing (RIP, IGRP, OSPF) dan VLAN.
Memahami konsep & penerapan Frame Relay, Leased Line, PPP, ISDN, dan MPLS.
Memahami konsep & penerapan Class of Service dan Quality of Service (QoS).
Memahami konsep dan penerapan Sistem dan Arsitektur Telekomunikasi, Teknik Transmisi (Microwave, Serat Optic, VSAT, Two-Way Radio Trunking)
Berpengalaman dalam penerapan Teknik Digital Switching (PABX, Telepon Network, Traffik Trunking)
Pendidikan Strata-1, Teknik Elektro, Teknik Telekomunikasi, Teknik Informatika, MIPA

5. Tenaga Ahli Data Manajemen
Kualifikasi yang Dibutuhkan :
Pengalaman min. 3 tahun mengelola data G&G (Seismik, log, dan lain-lain) termasuk melakukan upload, backup & restore data
Memahami konsep dasar Geofisika, Geologi dan reservoir
Berpengalaman bekerja dalam dalam sistem berbasis opensource atau UNIX
Berpengalaman dalam menggunakan aplikasi GGR
Memahami pengunaan aplikasi GGR
Memahami jenis-jenis data GGR dan metode validasinya
Pendidikan min. Strata-1, Teknik Geologi, Teknik Geofisika, Teknik Fisika, Teknik Informatika, Teknik Perminyakan

6. Tenaga Ahli Geomatika
Kualifikasi yang Dibutuhkan :
Pengalaman min. 3 tahun bekerja menangani data geomatika atau survei lapangan
Memahami konsep survey geodesi dan GIS
Memahami konsep sistem dan teknik transformasi koordinat
Menguasai aplikasi GIS (Arc Info, AutoCAD atau MapInfo)
Berpengalaman dalam mengelola aplikasi berbasis GIS dan teknologi yang terkait
Berpengalaman menggunakan peralatan survey terestris (GPS, TS)
Menguasai pengolahan data ukur GPS tipe geodetik dan Total Station
Pendidikan Strata-1, Teknik Geodesi, Teknik Geologi, TeknikGeofisika, Teknik Fisika

------------- PENTING -------------
Silakan kirimkan berkas lamaran dan CV sebelum 30 Juni 2008 dan dialamatkan ke email: pwt@pertamina-ep.com dengan subject email posisi yang diinginkan.

Mohon agar attachment tidak melebihi 500 kb. Apabila ada gambar silakan di simpan dalam format GIF dan atau JPG berukuran maksimum 1024 x 768 piksel baru kemudian dimasukkan kedalam berkas lamaran berformat DOC.

Bagi pelamar yang memenuhi syarat maka akan dipanggil untuk melakukan test psikologi pada awal Juli 2008.


Manajemen Data, Geomatika & TI
Menara Standard Chartered Lt. 28
Jl. Prof. Dr. Satrio No. 164, Jakarta 12950
Tlp: 021-57974000

Selasa, 17 Juni 2008

Vacancy: Gear Motor Engineers (China Base)

We represent our client, a one of the world's largest providers of motion subsystems and motion components for automotive and industrial applications. Over the years, the company has shipped billions of motion products to more than thirty countries in hundreds of different applications. The client is listed on the Hong Kong stock exchange and has over 40,000 employees a in 30 countries, with the majority of the workforce engaged in production activities in China. Engineering centers are located in Hong Kong, Germany, Switzerland, UK, Italy, Japan, China, Israel and the USA.
To strengthen their operation in China, they looking for a suitable candidates to fill the following positions

A. Gear Motor Engineers (9 pax) - Job Code: CHN-GME-2008- 06
B. Quality & Reliability Engineers (15 person) - Job Code: CHN-QRE-2008- 06


Bachelor Degree (S1) in Electrical/Electron ic Engineering
Has at least 3 years experience in QC (Position B) for Electric Motors/Servo/ Gear Motor manufacturer
Has at least 3 yeas experience in production/process (Position A) for Electric Motors/Servo/ Gear Motor Manufacturer
Active in English is a must
Willing to work in China
Posses a valid passport
Those of you who interested and have the above qualifications are requested to send the comprehensive resume (in MS Words Format) to: miko_soeganda@ asiaselect. co.id

The closing date is 4 July 2008.

Senin, 16 Juni 2008

Regional IT and Client Support Manager (Based in Singapore)

You should have a good IT degree from a reputable university. Fluency (both spoken & written) in English and Mandarin is an absolute requirement. A good knowledge of financial and accounting concepts and terminology in both English and Chinese would be a distinct advantage.

Job Responsibilities:
Provide Internal Helpdesk & IT Support to colleagues located in Singapore and Beijing

Provide External Client Helpdesk Support to clients of our financial & economics databases in Asia Pacific

Liaise with Headquarters on all technical matters

Friendly, confident & patient. Fluency (both spoken & written) in English and Mandarin is an absolute requirement

Good knowledge of financial and accounting concepts and terminology in both English and Chinese

Technically proficient and have good problem-solving skills

Candidates should have previous experience in a Wintel/Exchange environment and have hands on skills using Active Directory & Exchange Server.

Familiarity with TCP/IP, DNS, DHCP, and VPN particularly in a Cisco environment

Experience in a CRM/ERP deployment and maintenance preferred

Excellent knowledge (to an advanced level) of Microsoft Excel and Access, along with other commonly used Microsoft office programs like Word and Powerpoint

MCSE or MCSA certification, or previous experience in a Helpdesk Role will be a distinct advantage

In return, we offer a competitive remuneration package, a dynamic work environment and the opportunity to be part of an innovative, international company. Interested parties are invited to send in their detailed C.V. with a recent photograph to Recruitment-SG@bvdep.com stating current and expected salary. The closing date for submission is 30th June 2008.

We regret that only shortlisted candidates will be notified.

Bureau van Dijk Electronic Publishing - Making Information Work

Management Trainee at Garuda Indonesia-Fresh graduate

PT. GARUDA INDONESIA, which was recently voted the most admired company in the airline category 2007 by IMAC, is seeking MANAGEMENT TRAINEE, who are looking to make a career in the airline business in Indonesia. Applicants must be Indonesian citizens who are fluent in English, and of good character.

Job Requirement :
* Bachelor Degree from reputable University majoring in Management,Accounting, Law, Food & Beverage, Graphic Design, Public Relation,Communication, Engineering, IT, with minimum GPA 2.75 (Fresh Graduates are welcome to apply)
* Highly integrity and self motivated person with good analytical
* Computer skill (Microsoft Office is a must) Team work player & strong personalities
* Self motivated, receives satisfaction from finishing work and from getting good results, can be counted on to exceed goals successfully
* Strong analytical capability. Understand and could work on the technical subject directly
* Good interpersonal skills
* Good English, both oral & written

If you are interested in joining Garuda , please go to
indonesia.com/ career and complete the on-line application form before 30
June 2008.

World Bank Job Opportunities Section

The best people produce the best outputs. That's why we are constantly on the lookout for bright, ambitious team players who have a strong commitment to improving society, the environment, even themselves. We strive to hire and retain the best talent in the industry from a variety of backgrounds and cultures. Communication, creative problem solving and decision-making skills, planning and organization, and technical expertise are common characteristics of the World Bank associate. Flexibility in assuming varied work assignments is also important, especially in achieving long-term career growth at the organization.
Career Listing (Jakarta)
Senior Human Resources Management Specialist - Deadline: June 27th, 2008

Career Listing (Based in Aceh)
Operations Officer (Civil Engineer) – Construction Quality Assurance and Transport Operations (Code: CE-Aceh) - Deadline: June 20th, 2008
Office Manager (OM-Aceh) - Deadline: June 20th, 2008


Water and Environmental Sanitation Specialist

Plan is an international humanitarian, child-centered community development organization without religious, political or governmental affiliation. Plan's vision is a world in which all children realize their full potential in societies that respect people's rights and dignity.

Location: Indonesia (Jakarta)
Closing date: 20 Jun 2008

Job Description

(WES Specialist)

The WES Specialist will play a critical role in developing a WES strategy and program design for Plan Indonesia. She/he will also be responsible for the provision of technical assistance to support the continuous improvement of the quality of Plan's child-centered water and sanitation interventions,in co-operation with Plan colleagues, communities, families and partner organizations.


- At least 5 years senior level experience designing, implementing,monitoring and evaluating major water and sanitation programs that target the poor.
- Strong skills in strategic planning and teamwork
- Experience in social marketing an added advantage
- University degree or equivalent in environmental health/engineering
- Computer literate
- Strong English skills

Vacancies Contact

Human Resources Manager,
Plan Indonesia, Menara Duta Building 1st floor - wing C
Jl. HR Rasuna Said, Kav - B9, Kuningan, Jakarta 12910
Email: HRD.Indonesia@ plan-internation al.org

Jumat, 13 Juni 2008

PT ALSTOM Power Energy Systems Indonesia

Taxation - Sr. Officer*

(Code: Tax_ Sr. Officer - Your Name)

The successful candidate will be directly report to Finance and
Administration Manager and responsible for oversees all taxation matters
within the company including tax planning, reporting and compliance issues.

The successful candidate should have following qualifications:

• Diploma degree in Accounting or Finance background with minimum 5 years
experience in similar responsibilities.

• Having taxation audit knowledge, experience in tax consultant firm will be
an advantage.

• Having strong skill on monthly taxation reporting, annual corporate income
tax return, tax account reconciliation and related reporting processes.

• Adheres to all national, local and international tax laws.

• Sense of time management and initiatives.

• Self motivated, able to work in both independent or within team; and good
communication skills.

• High personal integrity.

• Fluent in English both spoken and written.

For those who are interested an meet the above requirements, can apply for
the position by sending an application letter and up to date CV to the post
address or email stated below. Application should be received no later than
two weeks after the publication of this advertisement. Please indicate the
position in the application letter and on the upper left of the envelope.

*Network Administrator*

*(Code : Net_adm - Your name)*

*Key Responsibility:*

Install, set up, manage and maintain the file server and network

*Successful candidate should have the following qualifications:*

• University graduate in Computer Science, informatics or Electronic

• Required strong knowledge and experience in Windows servers and
networking, Server and Networking device, Networking concept, Windows server
operating system, and Data communication system.

• Professional certification in MCSE or/and CCNA will be an added advantage.

• At least 5 years work experience in a multinational company in similar
position / tasks.

• English proficiency in conversation and report writing is required.

• Analytical skill in troubleshooting of Server and network.

• Good communication skill.

For those who are interested and meet the above requirements, can apply for
this position by sending an application letter and up to date CV complete
with recent photograph to the mail or email address as stated below.
Application should be received no later than two weeks after the publication
of this advertisement. Please indicate the position code in the application

*Human Resources Department*

*PT. ALSTOM Power Energy Systems Indonesia*

*PO BOX. 1655 SB 60016*

*Jawa Timur – Indonesia*


All applicants will be treated confidentially, only short-listed candidates
will be notified.


Fresh Grad-Wijaya Karya

PT Wijaya Karya adalah klien kami yang merupakan Perusahaan BUMN,
bergerak di bidang jasa konstruksi, memiliki wilayah operasi di
seluruh Indonesia dan telah mengembangkan bisnis usahanya di bidang
Engineering Procurement Construction, saat ini membutuhkan

1. Fresh Graduate :
S1 Teknik
* S1 Teknik Sipil
* S1 Arsitektur
* S1 Teknik Elektro (Konsentrasi : Arus Kuat)
* S1 Teknik Mesin (Konsentrasi : Non Metalurgi)
* S1 Teknik Perkapalan (Sistem & Permesinan Kapal)
* S1 Fisika

S1 Non Teknik
* S1 Akuntansi / Manajemen (Konsentrasi : Keuangan)
* S1 Hukum
* S1 Psikologi Industri dan Organisasi

2. Persyaratan :
* Diutamakan Pria, usia maksimal 27 tahun (S1)
* Riwayat akademik dengan IPK minimal 2,75
* Menguasai aplikasi software komputer di bidangnya
* Mampu berbahasa Inggris secara aktif

Lamaran dilengkapi dengan Riwayat Hidup, Fotocopi Ijazah (*),
transkrip nilai dan Surat Keterangan Dokter serta Pas Foto ukuran 4x6
(2 lembar)

Tahapan untuk melamar:
1. Isi rangkuman CV (klik disini)
2. Kirimkan lamaran melaui email atau pos ke alamat yang tertera
dibawah ini sebelum tanggal 19 Agustus 2008

Iradat Konsultan
Jl. Raden Saleh No. 18P, Jakarta Pusat 10430

atau ke alamat e-mail : wika@iradatkonsulta n.com

Atau di fax ke 021-3900230

(*) Bagi yg sudah lulus tapi belum memiliki ijasah (belum wisuda)
dapat menyertakan SKL (Surat Keterangan Lulus).

Selasa, 10 Juni 2008

Affix Consulting.

Urgent Requirement to PMA Company

Our client is the premier comfort and proses solutions provider company in
the business of creating comprehensive solutions for all HVAC needs in
Indonesia. Our client is inviting hogh professional to join us as :


(Jakarta and Surabaya)

Requirements :

Degree in Mechanical Engineering or Electrical Engineering or Industrial

Min. 1 or 2 years related sales experience preferably in technical sales in
HVAC industry

Candidaye with good business contacts especially HVAC industry would be an
added advantage

Resourceful, highly motivated, and able to work independently

Good communication, public relations skill, and leadership skills

Team player

Excellent spoken and written English


Requirements :

Degree in Mechanical Engineering or Electrical Engineering or equivalent

Min. 2 or 3 years related sales experience preferably in technical
networking & support.

Candidaye with good business contacts especially HVAC industry would be an
added advantage

Resourceful, highly motivated, and able to work independently

Good communication, public relations skill, and leadership skills

Team player

Excellent spoken and written English


Requirements :

Degree in Mechanical Engineering or Electrical Engineering or equivalent

Min. 2 or 3 years of networking and service sales experience

Candidaye with good business contacts especially HVAC industry would be an
added advantage

Resourceful, highly motivated, and able to work independently

Good communication, public relations skill, and leadership skills

Team player

Excellent spoken and written English


(Jakarta and Surabaya)

Requirements :

Degree in Mechanical Engineering or its equivalent

Min. 2 or 3 years related sales experience preferably in technical sales and

Candidaye with good business contacts especially HVAC industry would be an
added advantage

Resourceful, highly motivated, and able to work independently

Good communication, public relations skill, and leadership skills

Team player

Excellent spoken and written English

Send yours CV to anisa@affixconsulti ng.com or anisa_ruskin@ yahoo.com

Affix Consulting

Wisma Slipi 3rd Floor # 308

Jln. S Parman Kav.12


Phone : 021- 5305912/13 (anisa)

Fax : 021- 5307208

Cp. Anisa 081328646904

PT. Berau Coal

Closing date: June 21, 2008
PT. Berau Coal is one of Indonesia's large thermal coal producers
located in the Berau District of East Kalimantan. To accomplish our
vision, we believe that we have following positions to offer for the
right persons, so we can grow together:

The appointee will be responsible to design short term mine plan and
supervise mining production process.
Male, max 30 years old. Bachelor degree in Mining Engineering. Minimum
2 years experience at similar position. Placement at Berau.

The appointee will be responsible to develop long term mine plan,
provide recommendation of mine development, making technical and
economical mining evaluation and provide risk analysis for long term
mine plan.
Male, max. 35 years old. Bachelor degree from Mining Engineering.
Proficient to operate minescape and surpac program. Minimum 2 years
experience in similar position. Placement at Berau.

The appointee will be responsible for making mine closure design,
executing, monitoring and evaluating the implementation.
Male, max 45 years old. Bachelor Degree in Mining Engineering,
Environmental Engineering, Forestry, Agriculture. Minimum 3 years
experience in similar position. Placement at Berau.

The appointee will responsible to evaluate and analyze geological data
and provide the validation and accuration of it.
Male/ Female, max 40 years old. Bachelor degree in Geology. Proficient
to operate program Minescape, Minex, and Arc Gis. Minimum 5 years
experience in similar position. Placement at Berau.

The appointee will be responsible to provide full range cost
engineering analysis to current operational activity and development
Male, max 35 years old. Bachelor degree in Mining Engineering,
Industrial Engineering. Minimum 2 years experience in similar
position. Placement at Berau.

The appointee will be responsible for planning, control, evaluating,
repair and maintenance activity for Fixed Plant (crusher and conveyor)
and mobile equipment.
Male, max 30 years old. Bachelor degree in Mechanical Engineering.
Minimum 1 year experience in similar position. Placement at Berau.

The appointee will be responsible for planning, control, evaluating,
repair and maintenance electrical activity for Fixed Plant (crusher
and conveyor).
Male, max 30 years old. Bachelor degree in Electrical Engineering
(power, instrument). Minimum 1 year experience in similar position.
Placement at Berau.

The appointee will be responsible to supervise reclamation,
revegetation activity and also maintain the legal aspect in
environment (AMDAL).
Male, max 30 years old. Bachelor degree in
Forestry/Agricultur e/Environment. Minimum 2 years experience at
similar position. Placement at Berau.

The appointee will be responsible to supervise the implementation of
safety procedure (base on regulation) in all of Berau Coal work area.
Male, max 30 years old. Bachelor Degree in Occupational Health &
Safety. Holding certification in Occupational Health & Safety Audit.
Minimun 2 years in similar position. Placement at Berau.

The appointee will be responsible to undertake construction project
related with company infrastructure development plan.
Male, max 30 years old. Bachelor degree in Civil Engineering. Familiar
with program SAP2000, SSTAD Pro, Auto Cad, Microsoft Project. Minimum
1 year experience at similar position. Placement at Berau.

The appointee will be responsible to build and also maintain good
relationship between company and stake holders (Local Government,
Society, Media, Industry, and NGO).
Male/female, max 30 years old. Bachelor degree in Communication
majoring public relation. Minimum 3 years experience at similar
position (in mining industry will be advantage). Placement at Berau.

The appointee will be responsible to organize legal documents and
other documents related to share holder's report to ensure compliance
with the government law and regulation. Arrange share holder's meeting
and other corporate meeting. May also oversee external affairs activities.
Male/female, max 27 years old. Bachelor degree in
Accountancy/ Management. Minimum 1 year experience in similar position.
Placement at Jakarta.

The appointee will be responsible for land acquisition activity,
monitoring and maintain the land mark of berau coal concession area.
Male, max 35 years old. Bachelor degree in social science (Sociology,
Law, Antrophology) . Minimum 2 years experience in similar position.
Placement at Berau.

The appointee will be responsible for maintain good relationships
between management, government (DISNAKER) and labor union, managing
employee relation, supervise benefit to employee and personnel
administration services.
Male/Female, max 30 years old. Bachelor degree in Law. Comprehensive
knowledge in labor law and other labor related regulation. Minimum 3
years experience at similar position. Placement at Berau.

Please send your comprehensive resume together with recent photograph
and related certification, to the e-mail address below (max 100 kb)
before 21th June 2008 (put position code as e-mail subject).

recruitment@ beraucoal. co.id

Only short-listed qualified candidates will be contacted for selection

www.beraucoal. co.id

Kamis, 05 Juni 2008

PT Freeport Indonesia


PT Freeport Indonesia, an affiliate of Freeport McMoRan Copper and Gold, is one of the worlds largest copper and gold producers. We are seeking talented individuals to join our Organization to fill the following positions:


Work Location Tembagapura - Papua
Date Posted Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Responsibilities :

Long Description :

Chief Tax Accountant-Jobsite Basic Function : Coordinate, administer, analyze, review, monitor and control the tax regulations implementation within the Company, Privatized partners, Contractors and Vendors, in order to ensure proper tax collection, recordation, reporting and payments in compliance with Tax Laws article 21, 23, 25, 26, VAT, and the Local Taxes and in timely, accurately, effectively and cost efficiency.

Job Responsibility :

1. Lead, direct and supervise JKT and Site payroll tax team on the preparation of overall PTFI employee income tax return and employment tax related projects such as Tax ID regiistration process for PTFI, PT Minserves and ISS, in order to ensure that all employees, both National and Expatriates in Pacific Rims including Singapore, Cairns, Jakarta dan Irian Jaya salary and benefit tax treatment are recorded, maintained and reported accurately and in compliance with appropriate income tax regulations.
2. Lead, direct and supervise the preparation of payroll related tax reconciliation report for audit purpose. Present, communicate accounting system, flow of documents, nature of elements, nature relation with the employee income tax and local taxes, in order to prove that the actual tax collection and payment have been made and in compliance with the applied Tax Laws.
3. Direct coordination with NOLA Payroll Section, NOLA Expatriate Overseas Benefit & Compensation and NOLA Tax Department on setting up expatriate compensation policy and/or monitoring the day to day basis payroll tax treatment and mechanism, so that both conducted in accordance with current Indonesia tax law and/or tax regulation.
4. Direct coordination with Tax Consultant for managing individual tax matters for both PTFI and ISS Expatriates and National employees.
5. Direct review, monitor and coordination with site payroll site cost and NOLA payroll the calculation and reconciliation of tax accruals and tax payment calculation and recordation to ensure that salary and benefit tax tretment are recorded, maintained and reported accurately, in compliance with appropriate income tax regulations and fair to employees.
6. Direct coordination, with PTFI Human Resources Department and Industrial Relation on advising the proper and correct mechanism on income tax law to ensure that current and proposed employee income tax policy has been set up in accordance with current income tax law and regulation, conducting a regular annual presentation for industrial relation for updating the latest income tax law and regulations.
7. Review and monitor setting up and standardization of
payroll elements, control accounts and monthly reconciliation between PTFI and affiliate's employee income tax return and general ledger to ensure that employees' salary and benefit tax treatment are recorded and reported accurately and in compliance with appropriate income tax regulation
8. Prepare and propose standard and procedure of appropriate tax treatment, present and socialize tax analysis, any update on new tax law and/or treatment and methodology to Management and/or involved parties to have a better understanding, approval and agreement to the implementation of tax regulations within PTFI, both Yayasan Pendidikan for national and expatriate children, i.e. Yayasan Pendidikan Jayawijaya (YPJ) and International School and Services (ISS), Affiliations, Contractors and Vendors that ensure cost effectiveness and compliance to the tax regulations.
9. Advise and monitor appropriate strategic tax planning to
non-profit organization that manage 1% Freeport Fund for Irian Jaya Development (LPM-IRJA) and the Local Manpower Development (YJM) in term of tax treatment, calculation, recordation, preparation and reporting of monthly and annual corporate tax return and in compliance with the applied tax regulations.
10. Assist superior to direct, advise, control and monitor overall tax treatment in PTFI, PT. Alatief Freeport Infrastructure Corp (AFIC) and PT. Alatief Freeport Hotel Corp. (AFHC) and advise and monitor tax treatment in PT. Pangansari Utama (PSU), PT. Tata Disantara, PT. Kuala Pelabuhan Indonesia, PT. Puncak Jaya Power, PT. Mahaka, PT. Alas Emas Abadi (AEA), PT. Tata Disantara, to ensure cost effectivenss to PTFI and compliance with the applied tax regulations.
11. Coordinate with Jakarta Tax Department and site respective departments (Contract Administration and Contract Invoicing, Government Relations, Accounting) for collection, recordation and maintenance of local taxes back up data to ensure compliance with the regional tax law and the contract of work.
12. Coordinate, liaise, educate and socialize nature of PTFI Contract of Work to local tax authorities in term of employee income tax and local taxes collection such as local development tax and vehicle tax to have a compromised tax treatment, consistent tax practice that ensure cost effectiveness to PTFI, compliance with contract of work and good relationship with local Government.
13. Developing subordinates at Site and Jakarta Office to ensure their better skill and career development.

The key chalengges in this position include :

* How to interpret, educate and socialize customers with regard tax regulations and COW that affect transactions.
* The customers are very in their knowledge of tax regulations come from various background and various interests. The Accounting, Privatization partners, Contractors, Vendors, various departments within PTFI, internal and government auditors; local and regional tax authorities, etc.
* How to interpret and implement the proper and applicable employee income tax treatment that give tax benefit to
Company and employees at the same time in line with the regulations and business ethics.
* Solve employee income related problems in the events of tax audit, able to explain based on reconciliation and GL and tax returns, nature of transaction and condition, appropriate tax regulation and evironment of Contract of Work.
* Maintain consistency on tax treatment to avoid over
assessment during tax audit.
* Select and recommend system and tools to acco

Requirements :

The background, education and work experience needed to succeed in this job are:

Minimum Education and Experience :

* Bachelor Degree (S1) in Economic, Accounting or Fiscal Administration with at least 5 - 7 years experience as tax
specialist in multinational Company and in Tax Consultant Firm
Core Competencies (Knowledge, Skills & Characters)
* Having ability to maitain good relationship with tax officers, especially with the local and regional tax authorities.
* Have a strong interpersonal, negotiation, presentation and
communcation skill. Good Bahasa Indonesia and English communication in writing, listening, speaking and reporting.
* Having a strong interpersonal, negotiation, presentation and communication skill. Good Bahasa Indonesia and English
communication in writing, listening, speaking and reporting.
* Having ability to prioritize works due to workload and time constraints.
* Having computer ability in spreadsheet, word processing, presentation and standard PTFI tools such as MIMS and Report Central.

The key areas in which you have decision-making responsibility are:

* Manage monthly and annual tax payment of approximately US$ 20 millions. Failure to manage proplerly will affect various tax penalties, such as 2% penalty of underpayment of income tax. Above all is to protect and maintain goodwill and Company image.

The Company offers very attractive terms of employment, including salary and benefit package to successful candidates. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted further.


Lowongan Kerja PT. Indonesia Power

Kesempatan Berkarir di PT Indonesia Power

PT Indonesia Power, membuka kesempatan berkarir bagi warga Negara Indonesia untuk program studi non kependidikan :

1. S1 & D3 Teknik Mesin (Konversi Energi, Metalurgi/Material)
2. S1 & D3 Teknik Elektro (Arus Kuat)
3. S1 & D3 Teknik Fisika, Teknik Elektro (Elektronika, Kontrol Instrumen)
4. S1 & D3 Teknik Sipil
5. S1 & D3 Teknik Kimia, Teknik Lingkungan
6. D3 Teknik Informatika
7. D3 Manajemen Keuangan, Akuntansi, Perpajakan
8. D3 Administrasi Bisnis, Administrasi Niaga, Ilmu Komunikasi


1. S1 Tahun kelahiran 1981 atau sesudahnya, D3 Tahun kelahiran 1983 atau sesudahnya
2. IPK minimum 2,75 (posisi 1-5)
3. IPK minimum 3,00 (posisi 6-8)
4. Dapat berkomunikasi dalam Bahasa Inggris
5. Tidak buta warna, kecuali posisi 7-8
6. Mengisi formulir aplikasi yang tersedia secara online pada website http://www.indonesiapower.co.id pada tanggal 4 - 17 Juni 2008


1. Pelamar yang akan dipanggil mengikuti tes hanya yang lolos shortlisting berdasarkan kandidat terbaik.
2. Pemanggilan pelamar melalui http://www.indonesiapower.co.id.
3. Seleksi awal akan diselenggarakan di kota Jakarta dan Surabaya. Seleksi selanjutnya di Jakarta.
4. Biaya dari dan ke tempat seleksi menjadi tanggung jawab peserta.
5. Tahapan seleksi, pengumuman seleksi dan ketentuan-ketentuan lain selengkapnya dapat dilihat pada website http://www.indonesiapower.co.id.
6. Keputusan hasil seleksi merupakan keputusan mutlak.

Feasibility Study Data Analyst

Piesta Consulting is a subdivision of Piesta Group, one of the greatest:

National Consulting Company and affiliated with KS International. Our scope business is to analyze Feasibility Study for creating and expanding the industries, Business Companies, power energy plants, infrastructures, plantations, etc. We had completed thousands Feasibility Study for more than 500 national and multinational clients.
Due to our expansion, we are looking a dynamic and enthusiastic person to be :

Feasibility Study Data Analyst

The requirements for this position:

1. Bachelor Degree from reputable university majoring in Statistical Department with min IPK 2.75 scale 4
2. Have good analytical with experience in research, survey or statistical data analyze min 1 – 2 years
3. Familiar with SPSS or other related software tools
4. Ability to work as individual and part of team
5. Willing to travel over throughout Indonesia.

If you met for those requirements, send your application soon to:

Human Resources Department
Piesta Consulting
Feasibility Study Division
Graha Piesta
Jl. Warung Buncit Raya No. 16
Warung Jati Barat Jakarta Selatan 12550
Contact Person : Afif M Taftazani (081380430127)

Or via email to : consultancy@ piesta.co. id
Only short listed candidates will be contacted

PT. LIG Insurance Indonesia

Urgently required a candidates for the following positions for Insurance Company at Jakarta :

(1) Underwriting & Reinsurance Head Department


- Should have much experience in Insurance industry, and have working experience in the same field min. 4 years

- able to communicate in English both written and spoken,

- Hard Worker, independent, and with strong leadership ability,

- Can work under pressure, having capability to work as a team

- Fluent with Microsoft Office Program

- Can work independent, details, tactful.

(2) Finance & Accounting Head Department

- Should have much experience in insurance industry, tax and working experience in the same field min. 2 years

- able to communicate in English both written and spoken,

- Hard Worker, independent, and with strong leadership ability,

- Can work under pressure, having capability to work as a team

- Fluent with Microsoft Office Program

- Can work independent, details, tactful.

(3) GA & HR Head Department

- Should have much experience in the same field min. 2 years

- S1 from Psychology or Human Resources Management

- Have experience in training and HR development.

- Able to communicate in English both written and spoken,

- Hard Worker, independent, and with strong leadership ability,

- Can work under pressure, having capability to work as a team

- Fluent with Microsoft Office Program

- Can work independent, details, tactful.

(4) Reinsurance Staff

- S1, 22-27 old

- 1 year experience. Fresh graduates are welcome,

- Male,

- Fluent to communicate in English both written and spoken

- familiar in MS Office, min. Ms. Words, Excel.

- highly motivated, pleasant personality, good appearance, good communication,

- Willing to work immediately.

(5) Underwriting Staff

- S1, 25-35 old

- 2 year experience.

- Male,

- able to communicate in English both written and spoken

- familiar in MS Office, min. Ms. Words, Excel.

- highly motivated, pleasant personality, good appearance, good communication,

- Willing to work immediately.

(6) IT Developer Staff

- S1 from Information Technology,

- 20- 27 old

- 1 year experience

- Female,

- Main Requirements :

· SQL Server 2000 or higher

· SQL Reporting Services / Crystal Report

· HTML, ASP, NET will be an advantage

- Willing to work immediately.

(7) Legal Administration Staff

- S1, 25-32 old

- Fresh Graduate from Law, experience is advantage.

- Fluent to communicate in English both written and spoken

- familiar in MS Office, min. Ms. Words, Excel.

- highly motivated, pleasant personality, good appearance, good communication,

- Willing to work immediately.

(8) Agency Coordinator

- Male / Female, age max.35

- Min D3 / S1 Graduated from any disciplines.

- Target and Sales Oriented

- Strong leadership to manage a team, dynamic and energic

- Preferably from automotive, life insurance or other financial institutions

- Computer literate

- Good command both spoken and written in English is a must.

- Good personality and able to work independently in a team.

Please send directly your CV along with photograph to :

PT. LIG Insurance Indonesia

Up. Ms. Widy - HR Department

Plaza BII Tower II lt.25 suite 2501

Jl. MH Thamrin kav.51

Jakarta 10350

Or e-mail to : finance@lig. co.id

PT. LIG Insurance Indonesia
Plaza BII Tower II Lt.25
Jl.M.H.Thamrin No.51, Jakarta 10350
Phone 021-3913101, Fax. 021-3913115
http://www.lig. co.id

Rabu, 04 Juni 2008



Sukorejo - East Java based

To perform the development, implementation, and validation of laboratory
analytical method, to coordinate experiment and analysis instruments, to
support reliable scientific project and testing services in compliance
with international standards.


* Hold Bachelor Degree from Chemistry Sciences or Chemical
Engineering with minimum GPA 3.00;

* Hold around 3 years experience as Chemist in laboratory of a
FMCG, pharmaceutical and/or independent testing laboratory;

* Have solid knowledge in analytical & organic chemistry;

* Have solid knowledge in ISO 17025 implementation in

* Have knowledge of ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001;

* Have experience in method development, validation, and
uncertainty of analysis estimation;

* Fluent in English both oral and written;

* Willing to be located in Sukorejo - East Java

For those who are interested and having the above required
qualifications please send your comprehensive resume, not later than
July 15, 2008 to: rafki@sampoerna. com

Programme Facilitator at British Embassy

Programme Facilitator, Forests and Climate
British Embassy, Jakarta

The British Embassy and the Department for International Development (DFID)
are currently seeking a highly qualified Indonesian national to support
policy engagement on forests and climate change. The post will be for a
period of 30 months, working in close co-ordination with the Embassy's
Programme Co-ordinator on Forests and Climate.
The Programme Facilitator will support policy dialogue with central and
local government. Priority areas include: (i) corporate social
responsibility; (ii) governance reforms for low-carbon, sustainable
forestry; and (iii) poverty and climate change.
Key responsibilities include:
Working closely with a range of stakeholders to generate policy lessons
from a existing initiatives on forests and climate.
Building strategic partnerships with a range of other donor agencies.
Technical advice to government and civil-society partnerships.
Candidates should have a minimum of first or higher degree qualifications.
Candidates are expected to have 5 - 10 years' experience working for a donor
agency in Indonesia, with responsibility for programme design and
management.. ; Expertise in the following areas will be preferable:
Familiarity with working at both national and local government levels.
; Experience in facilitating multi-stakeholder partnerships
; Knowledge and experience of corporate CSR networks and initiatives.
; Expertise in natural resources law and governance.
; Familiarity with policies on poverty and decentralisation.
; Knowledge and experience of multi-donor fora and working.
Closing date for applications 5pm, 6 June 2008. The application letter and
resumes should be sent to [climateforest@ yahoo.com]. Only Successful
candidates will be contacted.