Minggu, 30 Maret 2008

Urgently needed: Senior Sales Engineer - Pulp and Paper (Surabaya based)

Our client is US based company engaged in Filtration Solution forIndustrial market, is currently seeking for highly qualified candidatesto fill the position of:

General Requirements:
* Bachelor degree in Science or Engineering
* Minimum 5 years experience in Sales/Marketing of IndustrialProducts in Pulp and Paper
Industry, provent track record in Selling ofCapital Equipment as a part of experience
* Experience in Product Management and Customer Relation
* Fluent in English both oral and written
* Experience in Specific Technology and Application related withFluid Solutions and Mechanical
(Pneumatic and Hydraulic)
* High personal motivation without direct authority and personalmagement experience as the
position will be home based with directreport to Thailand and Singapore
* Adaptable in continous changing environment
* Excellent communication skills, able to interface with Senior Leveldecisions maker

If you are confident with you qualification and interested to take thisvery challenging opportunity, please send your comprehensive resumealong with photograph and expected salary toria_novita@kellyser vices.co. id ria_novita@kellyser vices.co. id> no later than 2 weeks after this advertisement. The remuneration packagewill be very attractive, but only shorlisted candidates will benotified.

Jumat, 28 Maret 2008

Lowongan Master Web Network

Network Engineer (NE)
============ =========
* Pria / Wanita Pendidikan minimal S1
* Memiliki sertifikat CCNA (Cisco)
* Mampu bekerja secara mandiri dan mengatur load kerjanya
* Pengalaman 2 tahun dengan UNIX / Linux
* Pengalaman 1 tahun di data center atau ISP sebagai network engineer
* Memiliki pengalaman dengan router, firewall, VPN, dan cisco
* Memiliki pengetahuan UNIX / Linux dan networking yang mendalam
* Memiliki keahlian dalam routing dan bandwidth management
(iptables/pf, BGP, OSPF, VLAN, dll)
* Memiliki pengetahuan luas akan protokol dan aplikasi internet (HTTP,
* Memiliki pengetahuan yang luas tentang keamanan internet (firewall,
VPN, spam, virus, DDOS, rootkit, dll)
* Mampu mendesign arsitektur Data Center / NOC
* Mampu melakukan instalasi, konfigurasi, troubleshooting / problem
solving, dan fault escalation jaringan/sistem
* Mampu melakukan maintenance & monitoring datacenter/NOC
* Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi tertulis dan lisan yang baik
* Mampu berbahasa Inggris
* Dapat bekerja dalam tim

Web Designer (WD)
============ =====
* Pria / Wanita (usia max 30 tahun)
* Pendidikan minimal S1 atau D3
* Pengalaman minimal 2 tahun di perusahaan web development
* Menguasai aplikasi-aplikasi untuk design web: Photoshop,
Dreamweaver, Flash, Ilustrator / Corel Draw
* Menguasai CSS, HTML, pembuatan template & pembuatan mockup
* Menguasai JavaScript, AJAX dan Action Script
* Mengerti dan menguasai standard W3C dan teknologi website terbaru
* Memiliki jiwa seni design yang cukup baik
* Memiliki kemampuan analisa dan komunikasi yang baik
* Memiliki wawasan dan mengikuti perkembangan internet khususnya web
* Lebih disukai apabila memiliki pengetahuan pemrograman web (PHP, dan
* Mampu bekerja berorientasi schedule/jadwal.
* Mampu bekerja sama dalam tim
* Mampu berbahasa Inggris.

Web Programmer (WP)
============ =======
* Pria / Wanita (usia max 30 tahun)
* Pendidikan Minimal D3.
* Pengalaman minimal 2 tahun di perusahaan web development
* Menyukai dan mengerti dasar-dasar pemrograman khususnya pemrograman
berbasis web.
* Mengerti dasar-dasar Linux.
* Mengerti dan menguasai standard W3C dan teknologi website terbaru
* Mengerti bahasa pemrograman khususnya PHP dan Javascript. Regex,
Perl atau Ruby merupakan nilai tambah.
* Memiliki pengalaman membangun aplikasi/software.
* Mengerti pattern web programming MVC merupakan nilai tambah
* Terbiasa dan mampu bekerja dalam lingkungan LAMP
* Memiliki pengetahuan dan pengalaman menggunakan database SQL (MySQL
atau PostgreSQL).
* Mampu bekerja berorientasi schedule/jadwal.
* Mampu bekerja sama dalam tim
* Memiliki kemampuan mengatur pekerjaan multiple project
* Mempunyai sikap & kepribadian baik, mudah beradaptasi dengan
lingkungan kerja, cekatan & fleksibel.

Project Manager (PM)
============ ========
* Pria / Wanita maksimal 35 tahun
* Pendidikan minimal D3
* Pengalaman minimal 2 tahun di bidang penanganan project IT
* Mengerti proses dan alur kerja pembuatan aplikasi web-based
* Mampu mengatur jadwal kerja / time line beberapa project secara
efektif dan maksimal
* Mampu mendelegasikan dan menjelaskan lingkup dan detil pekerjaan
secara jelas
* Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi interpersonal yang baik
* Memiliki jiwa pemimpin
* Mampu bekerja dibawah tekanan
* Dapat bekerja dalam tim

Billing (BC)
* Wanita maksimal 25 tahun
* Berpenampilan & berkepribadian menarik
* Freshgraduate S1 atau minimal D3
* Belum menikah
* Mengerti pengoperasian komputer dan aplikasi Internet
* Mampu menggunakan aplikasi Office
* Pengalaman di bidang billing/administras i merupakan nilai tambah
* Mampu berbahasa Inggris
* Dapat bekerja dalam tim

Technical Support (TS)
============ ========= =
* Pria / Wanita maksimal 27 tahun (diutamakan wanita)
* Freshgraduate S1 atau minimal D3
* Belum menikah
* Bersedia bekerja dalam shift (pagi/sore/malam)
* Mengerti penggunaan aplikasi yang berhubungan dengan internet,
seperti: email, browser, FTP client, SSH, YM/chat, dll.
* Mampu menggunakan aplikasi-aplikasi internet lainnya.
* Mengerti OS LINUX dan konsep LAN
* Mampu berbahasa Inggris
* Dapat bekerja dalam tim

Customer Relation (CR)
============ ========= =
* Wanita maksimal 25 tahun
* Berpenampilan & berkepribadian menarik
* Freshgraduate minimal D3
* Belum menikah
* Cepat mempelajari hal-hal baru (fast learner)
* Mengerti prinsip dan konsep kerja internet, web hosting, dan web
* Mampu menggunakan aplikasi Office
* Mampu berbahasa Inggris
* Dapat bekerja dalam tim

============ ========= =======
* Subject e-mail harus sesuai dengan kode jabatan
* Atau tuliskan kode jabatan di pojok kiri atas untuk via pos
* CV harus dilampirkan / attachment dalam format dokumen (doc, odt,
atau rtf)
* Melampirkan hasil scan sertifikat CCNA untuk posisi NE
* Melampirkan konsep perancangan & pembangunan Data Center untuk posisi NE
* Melampirkan portfolio aplikasi web yang pernah dibuat untuk posisi WP
* Melampirkan contoh source code yang pernah dibuat untuk posisi WP
* Melampirkan contoh mockup design yang pernah dibuat untuk posisi WD
* Melampirkan hasil scan / copy KTP
* Melampirkan (atau hasil scan) pass foto
* Dikirimkan paling lambat 2 (dua) minggu setelah informasi ini
* Selain tata cara diatas lamaran tidak akan diproses

HRD PT Master Web Network
Gedung Cyber Lt. 9
Jl. Kuningan Barat 8
Jakarta Selatan 12710
Telp. 021 5269311
http://www.masterwe bnet.com/
hrd@masterwebnet. com

Lowongan S1 Teknik Elektro Arus Kuat di Astra

PT Astra International Tbk, sebuah perusahaan publik yang berdiri sejak 1957 yang merupakan holding company dari berbagai jenis industri mulai dari otomotif, alat berat & pertambangan, perkebunan, jasa keuangan dan infrastruktur.

Environment & Social Responsibility Division sebagai salah satu divisi di Astra yang menangani sistem manajemen Lingkungan, Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja serta Tanggung Jawab Sosial membuka lowongan seorang Engineer yang berwawasan luas dan kompeten dengan persyaratan sebagai berikut:
1. S1 Teknik Elektro Arus Kuat
2. Diutamakan Fresh Graduate
3. IPK min. 3
4. Memiliki jiwa Leadership, Spartan dan Team Work
5. Good Communication Skill
6. Memahami PUIL (Persyaratan Umum Instalasi Listrik)

Lamaran ditunggu paling lambat 2 minggu setelah pengumuman ini kepada :
PT Astra International Tbk
Environment & Social Responsibility Division
Jl. Gaya Motor Raya No. 8, Sunter II
Jakarta Utara 14330

Kamis, 27 Maret 2008

Lowongan Pekerjaan bidang Simulasi dan GIS

Perusahaan tempat saya bekerja, bergerak di bidang Simulasi dan GIS
membuka lowongan kerja (penempatan di Surabaya) pada posisi sbb :
- 3D Programmer
- Simulation Programmer

- Berpengalaman dengan C++ atau Delphi. 
- Berpengalaman programming dengan .Net 
- Memahami dengan baik konsep OOP.
- Mampu bekerja dalam team
- Mampu belajar cepat

Lamaran lengkap dengan foto terakhir dapat dikirim melalui email 
(amijaya at gmail dot com) paling lambat 11 April 2008

Various Openings in Human Resource Management for MNC Cement Company

We represent our client, a MNC Cement Company, to seek potential candidates to fill the position of:

Recruitment Specialist
(Job Code: RS-2008-03)


Bachelor Degree from any discipline
Has at least 2 years working experience as Recruitment Staff
Has a good ability to identify the qualification of applicants against to the job requirements and specification
Good interpersonal skill and love to meet people
Active in English
Recruitment Manager 
(Job Code: RM-2008-03)


Bachelor Degree from any discipline
Has at least 8 years working experience in Recruitment with the latest position in Managerial level
Exposure in Recruitment Firm or Executive Search firm would be an advantage
Familiar with MPP, talent market, and sourcing management
Excellent in English

T & D Specialist
(Job Code: TDS-2008-03)


Bachelor Degree from any discipline
Has at least 2 years working experience as Training & Development Staff
Familiar with competency profiling & talent maintenance

Active in English

Graduate Development Program Coordinator 
(Job Code: GDP-2008-03)


Bachelor Degree from any discipline
Has at least 8 years working experience in Training & Development Management with latest position in managerial position
Has experience as Management Trainee Program Coordinator would be an advantage
Has exposure in modules design, management trainee program design, and conduct the training

Has a broad network with Universities and Educational Institutions 

Able to work individually, high frequent travel, and minimum supervision
Excellent in English

Those of you who interested and meet the above-mentioned qualifications are requested to forward your comprehensive resume (in MS Word format and not more than 250 KB) to: miko_soeganda@ asiaselect. co.id using the job code on email subject. Closing date is 13 April 2008

Selasa, 25 Maret 2008

Lowongan Kerja di PT. Santos Jaya Abadi

1. Marketing Trainee (code : MKT - UB)
2. Accounting Staff (code : Ace - UB)
3. Logistic Administrator (code : LoG - UB)
4. Quality Control Analyst (code : QA - UB)


  • Male, max 27 years old (1)
  • Female, max 28 years old (2, 3 & 4)
  • Bachelor Degree from reputable University, preferably from Industrial Engineering / Economic / Business Administration (1)
  • Bachelor Degree in Accounting / Finance (2) • Bachelor Degree in Food Technology (4)
  • Bachelor Degree in any majoring (3)
  • Preferably with 1 year of working experience in related field. Fresh Graduate may also apply
  • Willing to placed in any area in Indonesia (1)
  • Willing to be placed in Sidoarjo - East Java (2,3 & 4)

Please send your application letter to:

Human Resource Department
PT. Santos Jaya Abadi
Jl. Raya Gilang no. 159
Sepanjang - Sidoarjo

Lowongan Kerja di PT Sampoerna Telekomunikasi Indonesia

Kami, PT Sampoerna Telekomunikasi Indonesia, salah satu penyelenggara layanan seluler di Indonesia yang berbasis teknologi CDMA450 dengan merek dagang "Ceria", saat ini memiliki beberapa posisi pekerjaan (job opening) sebagai berikut:

A: Posisi: System Engineer (1 orang)


  1. Pendidikan S1 Teknik Elektro, Teknik Fisika, Fisika, atau Matematika
  2. Indeks Prestasi di atas 3.0
  3. Fresh graduate atau berpengalaman 1 tahun
  4. Memiliki keinginan untuk berkarir di perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang seluler
  5. Mau berdomisili di Jakarta
  6. Memiliki sifat proaktif & dinamis & cekatan
  7. Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi verbal dan tulis yang baik
  8. Memiliki kemampuan berbahasa Inggris, tulis maupun baca yang baik.
  9. Memiliki keinginan untuk belajar hal-hal yang baru, utamanya sistem selular.

B: Posisi: Radio Network Optimization Engineer (2 orang)

  1. Diutamakan laki-laki
  2. Pendidikan S1 Teknik Elektro, Teknik Fisika, Fisika, atau Matematika
  3. Indeks Prestasi di atas 3.0
  4. Fresh graduate atau berpengalaman 1 tahun
  5. Memiliki keinginan untuk berkarir di perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang seluler
  6. Mau berdomisili di Jakarta
  7. Memiliki sifat proaktif & dinamis & cekatan
  8. Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi verbal dan tulis yang baik.
  9. Memiliki kemampuan berbahasa Inggris, tulis maupun baca yang baik.
  10. Memiliki keinginan untuk belajar hal-hal yang baru
  11. Tidak memiliki hambatan untuk melakukan travelling & memiliki kondisi kesehatan jasmani yang baik, utamanya sistem selular.

Lamaran bisa disampaikan ke:

Endy Budi Santoso
General Manager Network Planning

Jl. Jendral. Sudirman Kav. 45-46
Jakarta 12930, Indonesia
Telp: 021-577 0138 / Fax: 021-577 0135

e-mail: endy.santoso@sampoernatelekom.com



Kami perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang Poultry Integration yang sedang berkembang membutuhkan beberapa tenaga kerja profesional yang memiliki integrasi, komitmen, dan kompetensi untuk bergabung bersama kami. Adapun posisi yang kami butuhkan saat ini:

Technical Service ( Jawa Timur)


  • Laki-laki, S-1 Peternakan / Dokter Hewan
  • IPK > 2,75
  • Mempunyai SIM A/C
  • Siap bekerja di lapangan dengan mobilitas tinggi

Kirimkan surat lamaran, CV, photo ukuran terbaru ke :

Human Resources Department
PT Malindo feedmill,Tbk
Jl Pertamina, Ds Sumber Rame, Kec Wringin anom, Gresik

Cantumkan kode TS PIR pada pojok lamaran
Lamaran diterima paling lambat 10 April 2008

Vacation: Safety Engineer


PT. KALTIM PARNA INDUSTRI is a fully integrated Ammonia Industry
located at Bontang East Kalimantan with its representative office at
Jakarta. We are proud to be an ammonia Industry with our vision as
the most efficient ammonia producer in the world. Currently, we are
looking for and invite qualified and or experienced professionals who
can work as a team with proven skills in the whole range of
development and improvement initiatives with base in Bontang:


- Maximum age 30 years old
- Minimum Education S1 – Chemical Engineering
- Having 1 year experience working in Occupational Health and Safety
at Oil and Gas Industry, or Chemical Industry
- Understand authorized rules on Safety and Occupational Health
- Understand and experience on Safety Process, HIRAC, Root Cause
Analyses, and Accident Investigation.
- Understand on Chemical composition, chemical substance and process
- Having knowledge on tools, policy, and strategy to improve Safety.
- Computer literate on Microsoft Words
- Able to communicate in English both oral and written
- Strong Leadership, and couching skill
- Adaptable, Team Work in nature, and active critical thinking on
safety procedure
- Analytical thinking, and good managerial and interpersonal skill
- Medically fit, not color blind, non claustrophobia, non alto phobia.

Please send your application with updated CV, and recent photograph
to be submitted to the address hereunder not later than one weeks
after this advertisement date. Put the title and position code on the
subject letter or email. All applicants will be treated firmly
confidential and only short-listed candidates will be notified for

HR Department PT. Kaltim Parna Industri
Wisma KPI, Jl. Pupuk Raya Km. 2 Bontang – East Kalimantan,

or email to kpihrd.recruitment@kpi.co.id

Senin, 17 Maret 2008


Closing date: March 27, 2008

TECHNIP is a leading provider of Engineering, Technologies and Construction services for
oil and gas, petrochemical and other industries; with its 22,000 people worldwide and
annual revenues of almost 7 billion euros. TECHNIP has been ranked by American
Engineering Weekly in its 2007 list of "Top 225 International Contractors" as 1st for the
World Industrial / Petroleum Market.

In Asia-Pacific, Technip has been present for more than 20 years. As part of its expansion
in Asia-Pacific, Technip established a subsidiary in Indonesia: PT. Technip Indonesia
(PTTI), which services the Indonesian Oil and Gas, Petrochemical and General Industrial
sectors. PTTI covers offshore and onshore field development, gas processing and
liquefaction, refining and onshore pipelines. In non-oil sectors, PTTI covers fertilizers,
chemicals, cement, life sciences, power generation and other growth market industries.

As part of our business expansion in Indonesia, we are seeking highly qualified
professionals to fill in position listed below:


Job Requirements:
• Possess recognized degree in Civil or Structural Engineer.
• 10 to 15 years experience in Structural analysis and design in Oil and Gas industry
offshore platforms.
• Preferably experience in the use of SACS Software for the design of offshore structures.
• Experience in both green and brown field will be advantage.
• Should possess good communication skills in English language.
• Should hold Indonesia citizenships and ready to be placed in Jakarta or Balikpapan.
• Should be able to work effectively in team, maintain good quality of work, and possess
good analytical skills in problem solving.

Interested applicants should submit the application letter and CV to hrd.indo@technip. com
with detailed resume and recent photograph; and put the "Sr. Senior Structural Engineer"
on the subject email.


Job Requirement:
• Should possess a minimum Engineering Certificate in Civil/Structural from a recognized
Technical High School.
• Should have minimum 7 years relevant working experience in an engineering
organization of oil and gas industry for Offshore projects.
• Should have relevant working experience in the drafting and basic designing of offshore
jacket and topsides.
• Should be conversant with structural engineering drafting software e.g. Autocad, PDMS,
Bocad, etc.
• Should be familiar with International Codes and Standards (API, AISC, etc.).
• Should be computer literate, i.e. able to use MS Office.
• Should possess good written and communication skills in English language.
• Should be able to work effectively in team, maintain good quality of work, and possess
good analytical skills in problem solving.


Job Requirements:
• Should have at least 10 years relevant working experience in an engineering
organization of oil and gas industry for Offshore and Onshore projects and/or
petrochemical/ power plant projects.
• Should have an Engineering DRAFTING Certification/ Diploma, STM/SMA degree or
• Should be familiar with International Codes and Standards (NEC, ANSI, IEC, NEMA, etc.)
for electrical design.
• Should have working experiences in various electrical design activities, including but not
limited to: [ - Calculations ( such as Lighting, Earthing and Cable Sizing); - Electrical layout
preparation (such as Cable and Cable Tray Layouts, Lighting Layouts, including Layouts
etc); - Electrical Bulk Material Take Off (MTOs) and familiar with electrical equipment
selection for hazardous area environments (both NEC and IEC)].
• Should have knowledge in computer literate, i.e. MS Office or equivalent. Having
experiences on 2D CAD tools such as AutoCAD and/or Microstation, 3D modeling tools
(PDS or PDMS) exposure would be preferable and an added advantage.
• Should possess good communication skills in English language.
• Should hold Indonesia citizenships and ready to be placed in Jakarta or Balikpapan.
• Should be able to work effectively in team, maintain good quality of work, and possess
good analytical skills in problem solving.

Interested applicants should submit the application letter and CV to hrd.indo@technip. com
with detailed resume and recent photograph; and put the "Electrical Designer" on the
subject email.


Job Requirements:
• Should have an Engineering degree from a recognized university.
• Should have at least 7 years relevant working experience in an engineering organization
of oil and gas industry for Offshore and Onshore projects and/or petrochemical/ power
plant projects.
• Should be conversant with electrical engineering analysis software such as ETAP / EDSA
for conducting and concluding the various studies (covering Load Flow, Short Circuit,
Transient Stability, Motor Starting, Relay Coordination, Harmonic Analysis studies). Having
exposure to working in 3D projects utilizing PDS / PDMS would be an added advantage.
• Should be familiar with International Codes and Standards (NEC, ANSI, IEC, NEMA, etc).
• Should have working experiences in various electrical design activities, including but not
limited to: [- Calculations ( such as Lighting, Earthing and Cable Sizing); - Electrical layout
preparation (such as Cable and Cable Tray Layouts, Lighting Layouts, including Layouts
etc); - Electrical Bulk Material Take Off (MTOs) and familiar with electrical equipment
selection for hazardous area environments (both NEC and IEC)].
• Should have knowledge in computer literate, i.e. MS Office or equivalent. Having
experiences on 2D CAD tools such as AutoCAD and/or Microstation, 3D modeling tools
(PDS or PDMS) exposure would be preferable and an added advantage.
• Should possess good communication skills in English language.
• Should hold Indonesia citizenships and ready to be placed in Jakarta.
• Should be able to work effectively in team, maintain good quality of work, and possess
good analytical skills in problem solving.

Interested applicants should submit the application letter & CV to hrd.indo@technip. com
with detailed resume and recent photograph; and put the "Electrical Engineer" on the
subject email.


• Should have at least 2 years relevant working experience in an engineering organization
of oil and gas industry. Candidate with more than 7 years relevant working experience can
be considered as a Senior Mechanical Engineer.
• Should be a graduate in Mechanical Engineering Degree from a recognized university
with a good score of GPA.
• Should possess good English and able to communicate clearly and efficiently with other
parties including other discipline engineers, vendors, client representatives, etc.
• Team spirit, team play and attitude to learn are essential.
• Should have knowledge in computer literate, i.e. able to work on Ms Office or equivalent,
also familiar with mechanical design software such as Codecalc (PVELITE is preferable).
• Should be familiar with International Codes such as ASME/ANSI/ASTM/ DIN/BS/API etc.
• Able to design pressure vessels, tanks, columns.
• Able to review vendor documents, data and drawings.
• Able to prepare specifications, data sheets and requisitions for static and rotating
• Able to prepare technical clarifications, technical bid evaluations and recommendations.
• Hold Indonesia citizenships and ready to be placed in Jakarta

Interested applicants should submit in with detailed resume and recent photograph to:
HR Dept.
PT Technip Indonesia
(hrd.indo@technip. com)
Please put "Mechanical Engineer" on the Subject email.


Job Requirements:
• Should have an Engineering DRAFTING Certification/ Diploma, STM/SMA degree or
• Should have minimum 10 years of relevant working experience in piping design in an
engineering organization of oil and gas industry for Offshore and Onshore projects,
covering activities such as plot plans, key plans, general arrangements, piping layouts,
equipment/pipe supports, isometrics, MTO, Isometrics, tie-in, etc.
• Should be computer literate, i.e. familiar with MS Office or equivalent. Experiences in 3D
software (PDS or PDMS) would be an added advantage.
• Should possess good communication skills in English language.
• Should be ready to be based in Jakarta or Balikpapan.
• Should be able to work effectively in a team and maintain good quality of work.

Interested applicants should submit the application letter and CV to hrd.indo@technip. com
with detailed resume and recent photograph; and put the "Piping Designer" on the subject


Nationality : Indonesian
Employment Status : 1-year contract, subject to further extension/conversio n
Start Date : ASAP
Work Base : Jakarta

Requirements :
- Shall have minimum 5 years relevant working experience in instrumentation field of Oil
and Gas Industry for Offshore and Onshore projects.
- Shall have an Engineering DRAFTING Certification/ Diploma, STM/SMA degree or
- Familiar with international design codes and standards.
- Familiar of various instrumentation design activities like layouts, hook-ups and wiring
schemes, etc.
- Knowledge of Smart Plan Instrumentations, PDS and PDMS will be added advantage.
- Shall possess good communication skills in English language. Previous experience as a
Team Leader and Good Team Player would be added advantage.
- Computer literate and is required shall be proficient working on MS Office, AutoCAD,
Micro station etc.

Interested applicants should submit the application letter and CV to hrd.indo@technip. com
with detailed resume and recent photograph; and put the "Instrument Designer" on the
subject email.

Nationality : Indonesian
Employment Status : 1-year contract, subject to further extension/conversio n
Start Date : Immediate
Work Base : Jakarta

Requirements :
1. Shall have minimum 7 years working experience in Oil and Gas Industry for Offshore
and Onshore projects.
2. Shall have an Engineering degree from a recognized university with good GPA.
3. Shall be familiar with International Codes and Standards.
4. Shall be Computer literate, e.g. be able to work on MS Office.
5. Shall possess good communication skills in English language.
6. Shall have good proven working experience including but not limited to the following:
(- Preparation of datasheets for field instruments; - Preparation of specification for
systems such as DCS, ESD, F&G, Wellhead control panel, etc.; - Review of layouts and other
design engineering documents and drawings).
7. Has knowledge & familiar working with Smart plant instrumentations software would be
an added advantage.

Interested applicants should submit the application letter and CV to hrd.indo@technip. com
with detailed resume and recent photograph; and put the "Instrument Engineer" on the
subject email.

Mechanic & Electricient

untuk persiapan pekerjaan-2 yg akan datang, kami sedang mencari Supv. Mechanic dan Supv. Electricient dg klasifikasi sbb:

1. pendidikan min. poltek atau d-3 mesin/listrik/ mesin kapal (?)
2. pengalaman min. 5 tahun di bidang pemeliharaan plant migas/petrochemical
3. dapat menyiapkan sistem pemeliharaan (preventive, predictive, repair etc.)
4. leadership & self starter.

lamaran & dokumen bisa dikirim ke
a. email harisk1@yahoo. com
b. fax +62 21 7658806, attn haris kurnianto/joseph taroreh

barangkali ada yang berminat atau ada teman/kenalan yg berminat.

haris kurnianto

Sabtu, 15 Maret 2008

PT.Bakrie Telecom, Tbk


Requirement :

* Bachelor Degree in Telecommunication or IT
* Fresh graduate/1-2 years work experience in telecommunication industries will be preferable
* Have Basic Telecommunication knowledge (CDMA Network concept, CDMA Operation) and Equipment
* Have knowledge in this particular area would be an advantage :
* Programming Language (C, Delphi, PHP, Perl) and Database Software (SQL Server, MySQL)
* Windows, LINUX, Sun Solaris Operating System
* Knowledge on Various Interfaces like SMPP, http, FTP, WAP.

Please submit application letter and CV to :


Please put the code (NOC) on the e-mail subject



Is looking for young, dynamic, self-motivated and dedicated persons to fill the following positions for its expanding banking operation


Required Qualifications and Skills:

* Minimum Bachelor’s Degree in Information Technology from a reputable university with GPA > 3.00
* Minimum at least 2 (two) years of working experience in IT industry, preferable as system support/system helpdesk/information security officer/system admin
* Have good knowledge in IT for system environment, operating system, networking, security & IT governance
* Posses a good problem analysis and troubleshooting skill in PC/server environment, software, hardware, networking and have an IT certification will be an advantage
* Self starter and highly motivated person
* Excellent communication and interpersonal skills with a great team spirit
* Able to work well under-pressure situation & traveling
* Good command of English, both in written and verbal
* Willing to work at Surabaya Branch

Please send comprehensive resume along with contact telephone number and recent photograph (3x4) to:

PO BOX 1077 SB 60010
(note: please put code IT-IS on the top left side of the envelope)


Is looking for young, dynamic, self-motivated and dedicated persons to fill the following positions for its expanding banking operation


Required Qualifications and Skills:

* Minimum Bachelor’s Degree in Information System or Management Information from a reputable university with GPA > 3.00
* Experienced on Oracle Database Performance monitoring and tuning, upgrading, backup recovery, Oracle Application Server Installation, configuration, monitoring and tuning in various platform, especially IBM AIX and MS-Windows
* Oracle Database Administration Solution and Advanced Technology (RAC, Data Guard, OEM, Security)
* Has Oracle 9i/10g Database Administrator Professional Certification would be an advantage
* Self starter and highly motivated person
* Excellent communication and interpersonal skills with a great team spirit
* Able to work well under-pressure situation & traveling
* Good command of English, both in written and verbal
* Willing to work at Surabaya Branch

Please send comprehensive resume along with contact telephone number and recent photograph (3x4) to:

PO BOX 1077 SB 60010
(note: please put code IT-DBA on the top left side of the envelope)

All applicants will be treated in strict confidence. Only short-listed candidates will be notified.


Is looking for young, dynamic, self-motivated and dedicated persons to fill the following positions for its expanding banking operation


Required Qualifications and Skills:

* Minimum Bachelor’s Degree in Information System or Management Information from a reputable university with GPA > 3.00
* Experienced on Oracle Database Performance monitoring and tuning, upgrading, backup recovery, Oracle Application Server Installation, configuration, monitoring and tuning in various platform, especially IBM AIX and MS-Windows
* Oracle Database Administration Solution and Advanced Technology (RAC, Data Guard, OEM, Security)
* Has Oracle 9i/10g Database Administrator Professional Certification would be an advantage
* Self starter and highly motivated person
* Excellent communication and interpersonal skills with a great team spirit
* Able to work well under-pressure situation & traveling
* Good command of English, both in written and verbal
* Willing to work at Surabaya Branch

Please send comprehensive resume along with contact telephone number and recent photograph (3x4) to:

PO BOX 1077 SB 60010
(note: please put code IT-DBA on the top left side of the envelope)

All applicants will be treated in strict confidence. Only short-listed candidates will be notified.

Rabu, 12 Maret 2008

Mining Adani Global

Closing date: March 23, 2008

Setelah membangun Pelabuhan Swasta terbesar di India, memimpin pertumbuhan di
sektor minyak goreng, memantapkan keberadaannya sebagai Eksportir Bijih Besi, dan
memulai pembangunan beberapa Mega Power Plant di India, Adani Group yang telah
menjadi Importir Terbesar batubara Indonesia ke India, sekarang sedang menggenjot
pertumbuhan yang unik dalam usaha pertambangan batubara di Indonesia melalui PT.
Adani Global – sebuah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang Jasa Pertambangan Umum.
PT. Adani Global sedang bekerjasama dengan tambang-tambang batubara di lokasi-
lokasi yang terpencil dan kurang berkembang, menghadapi tantangan geography dan
logistic yang berat dan memelopori pertambangan batubara peringkat rendah yang ramah
lingkungan dengan kecepatan tinggi, teknologi modern dan dengan perolehan batubara
yang maksimal.

Memperkuat bangsa dengan menciptakan pertumbuhan daerah melalui sentuhan Seni,
racikan Ilmu dan penghormatan terhadap Keahlian. Seni di dalam Visi kami, Ilmu di dalam
Teknik kami. Keahlian-lah yang kami cari!

Apakah anda berani melihat pemandangan lama dengan cara pandang baru, bahu-
membahu dengan kami menampilkan yang terbaik dari anda untuk memperkuat ekonomi
bangsa melalui pembangunan yang berkesinambungan di bidang batubara..?!

Jika Ya, silakan baca dan cocokkan keahlian anda dengan kebutuhan kami berikut :

1. Assistant Manager - Mine Engineering and Geology
2. Assistant Manager – Exploration
3. Assistant Manager - Coal Mining
4. Kepala Teknik Tambang
5. Senior Officer/Officer – Drilling
6. Senior Officer/Officer – Geology
7. Senior Officer/Officer – Survey
8. Senior Officer/Officer - Mine Planning
9. Senior Officer/Officer - OB Stripping
10. Senior Officer/Officer - Coal Mining
11. Senior Officer/Officer - Mine Services
12. Senior Officer - Quality Control
13. Senior Officer - Technical Audit
14. Senior Officer/Officer - Safety and Ecocare
15. Senior Officer/Officer - Community Development
16. Officer - Coal Laboratory
17. Shift Supervisor – Sampling
18. Shift Supervisor – Survey
19. Shift Supervisor - OB Stripping
20. Shift Supervisor - Coal Mining
21. Shift Supervisor - Coal Mine Services

1. Manager – Administration
2. Assistant Manager – Administration
3. Assistant Manager – Personnel
4. Senior Officer/Officer – Administration
5. Senior Officer/Officer – Personnel
6. Senior Officer/Officer – Security
7. Senior Officer/Officer – Training
8. Senior Officer – Legal
9. Officer – Liaison
10. Shift Supervisor – Security
11. Shift Supervisor - Accommodation and Facilities

1. Assistant Manager – Construction
2. Senior Officer/Officer – Civil
3. Officer – Landscaping
4. Supervisor - Soil works
5. Supervisor - Steel works
6. Supervisor Roads and Drains

1. Assistant Manager – Electrical
2. Assistant Manager – Mechanical
3. Senior Engineer – Electrical
4. Senior Engineer – Mechanical
5. Engineer - Electric Maintenance
6. Engineer - Power Plant
7. Engineer – Automation
8. Engineer – Workshop
9. Engineer - Maintenance Planning
10. Shift Supervisor – Electrical
11. Shift Supervisor - Mechanical

1. Assistant Manager - Coal Handling
2. Assistant Manager - Port and Logistic
3. Senior Officer - Process Plant
4. Senior Officer - Stockpile Management
5. Senior Officer – Loading
6. Senior Officer – Logistic
7. Officer – Port
8. Shift Supervisor - Process Plant
9. Shift Supervisor - Stockpile Management
10. Shift Supervisor - Loading

1. Assistant Manager – Finance
2. Senior Officer - Internal Audit
3. Senior Officer –Accounting
4. Officer – Treasury
5. Officer – Accounting
6. Officer IT

1. Assistant Manager – Purchasing
2. Assistant manager – Marketing
3. Senior Officer – Marketing
4. Officer - Purchasing

1. Manager – H.O. Administration
2. Assistant Manager - H.O. Administration
3. Assistant Manager - H.O. Personnel
4. Senior Officer/Officer - H.O. Administration
5. Senior Officer/Officer – H.O. Training
6. Senior Officer - H.O. Legal
7. Officer – Liaison
8. Officer - Personnel

Persyaratan Dasar :
1. Manager/Assistant Manager - Laki-laki, Min. S1, Min. 10 tahun pengalaman.
2. Senior Officer – Laki-laki, S1, 5-7 tahun pengalaman atau D3, 7-10 tahun pengalaman.
3. Officer – Laki-laki, S1, 1-5 tahun pengalaman, D3, 5-7 tahun pengalaman.
4. Bersedia ditempatkan di lokasi tambang dan melakukan perjalanan ke daerah-daerah
5. Untuk Accounting Department, pengetahuan SAP diutamakan.
6. Untuk expatriat dipersilahkan melamar hanya posisi Assistant Manager ke atas.

Sekarang, anda dapat beralih ke iklan lain, atau kirimkan lamaran anda ke :

Jl. Waringin III No. 27, Kayu Putih
Jakarta Timur-13210
Atau e-mail ke : recruit@ptadaniglob al.com

Anda Dapat Berlayar Sebagai KRU Kami.

JOB Shell Indonesia


Royal Dutch Shell plc was established more than a hundred years ago in Indonesia. Today
Shell is a global company operating in over 130 countries and regions throughout the
world, and employing more than 108,000 people. Shell Indonesia has been established as
one of the fastest growing lubricants, retail fuels and bitumen business in the country and
has strong commitment to strengthen their presence significantly.

Shell Indonesia recently received the Indonesia's Most Admired Companies (IMAC) Award
2007 for best Corporate Image in the Oil and Gas category, awarded by Business Week
Magazine and Frontier Consulting Group.

We currently are recruiting top calibre individuals to join our team for the following
positions :

• Business Development Manager
• Property Management Coordinator
• Real Estate Acquisition Manager Jakarta
• Real Estate Acquisition Manager Outer Island
• Real Estate Acquisition Manager Surabaya
• Regional Sales & Operation Manager East Java
• Retail Maintenance Engineer
• Retail Pricing Analyst
• Retail Training Executive
• Retail Territory Manager Outer Island
• Retail Territory Manager Jakarta
• Senior Construction Engineer

• Administration Supervisor East Java
• Distribution Terminal Manager East Java
• Distribution Terminal Supervisor East Java
• Maintenance Engineer East Java
• Scheduling Administration Staff East Java
• Transport Distribution Supervisor East Java

• Lubricant Key Account Manager Franchised Workshop
• Lubricant Key Account Manager Mining Industry
• Lubricant Power, Cement and Oil & Gas Sales Manager
• National Logistics Manager
• Transport and Area Logistics Executive Bekasi

• Bitumen Account Manager

Shell Indonesia's compensation and benefits package is designed to recognise the
experience and expertise of top talented professionals.

If you can apply clear thinking to some of the world's biggest energy challenges, there is a
great future for you at Shell.

For more information and to apply online, please visit
www.shell.com/ careers  Professionals  Job Search  Region  Asia  Indonesia.
Please quote reference XIO084M when applying.

Closing Date : March 22, 2008.

Shell is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

Jumat, 07 Maret 2008

Plant Engineer & Automation Engineer

Klien kami sebuah perusahaan MNC-FMCG #1 brand di Indonesia, membutuhkan engineer :

1. Mechanical & Utilities Engineer (Plant Engineer)
2. Electrical, Instrumentation, Automation Engineer (AE)

Dengan kriteria :
1. S1- Mechanical/Electric al/Instrument dg Pengalaman di Industri maufaktur dan di posisi manajerial min 5 tahun.
2. Menguasai semua aspek utilities dan mekatronika industri proses (1)
3. Expert dalam pemrograman dan trouble shooting PLC, DCS (2).
4. Memiliki kemampuan kalibrasi alat (2).
5. Pemahaman Lean Manufacturing System, Total Productive Maintenance ataupun TPS.
6. Familiar dengan FMEA, 5S, 5Whys, RCFA, RCM dalam pemecahan masalah di shopfloor.
7. Kemampuan Bahasa Inggris dan MS Excel, SAP MM.
8. Mampu men-supervisi bawahan dan vendor.

Bagi yang tertarik, mohon dikirimkan CV dan gaji/fasilitas yang diharapkan ke esearch27@yahoo. com ; hanya bagi yang memenuhi kriteria diatas. Gaji, bonus, fasilitas medikal yang kompetitip serta overseas training, diberikan bagi kandidat yang memenuhi kriteria.

Engineering Manager (Job Code: EM-2008-03)

We represent our clients, a MNC Integrated-Distribu tion Service in Eastern of Jakarta, to seek potential candidates to fill the position of:

Engineering Manager (Job Code: EM-2008-03)

Job Summary:

Ensure maintenance system well set up, update, and running
To lead and ensure all related projects for new product development design and well executed
To lead and ensure all big projects are well prepared, well designed, and well executed
To lead improvement project such as ISO, EHS-Q, 5S, 6 Sigma, TPM, and Lean Manufacturing


Bachelor Degree in Mechanical Engineering
Has at least 7 years working experience in Maintenance and Engineering Management; preferably from FMCG or Chemical Manufacturer

Hands on to the maintenance and engineering activities

Has experience at least once as Project Manager or 3 projects as member in FMCG and/or Chemical Manufacturer
Sounds experience to source and liaise with sub contractors or vendors for machineries
Familiar with maintenance expense annual budgeting, capital expenditure budgeting, and fix cost of maintenance and engineering budgeting

Active in English
Those of you who meet the above-mentioned qualifications are requested to forward your comprehensive resume (in MS Word format and not more than 250 KB) to: miko_soeganda@ asiaselect. co.id using the job code on email subject. Closing date is 19 March 2008

Selasa, 04 Maret 2008

lowongan mechanical engineer

dengan hormat,

tempat-ku sedang mecari Mechanical Engineer dengan pengalaman min. 5 tahun di oil & gas (migas) terutama design dan construction, URGENT.
lamaran bisa dikirim ke:
1 harisk1@yahoo. com
2 PT Citra Panji Manunggal, pondok pinang center blok A no: 8-12, jl. ciputat raya, jakarta 12310 fax. 021 7658806 attn. HRD -Joseph Taroreh

barangkali ada yang berminat.

haris kurnianto


BM has always delivered technology innovation to our customers. Now,
we partner with them in their business and help them become special
company, and to stay special. To make our customers special, we need
people who are above the ordinary.

IBM Indonesia recruits best-in-class professionals to deliver best
breed of IT Solutions and Services to customers.

Do you have the confidence? Do you have the enthusiasm? Do you have
the insights to partner with customers and deliver solutions and have
significant positive impact on their business?

Join IBM! Learn from and collaborate with the best – much like
yourself! We are now looking qualified people to fill the following
vacant positions :


Learning Activities :

Getting knowledge related to general procurement operation
activities through involvement and performing administrative
procurement task area.
Getting knowledge related to specific procurement area related to
sourcing buyer

Requirements :

FRESH GRADUATE IS A MUST with no formal working experience.
Minimum Bachelor Degree (S1) from reputable university with the
minimum GPA of : 2.75. Any major is welcome to apply. Having Economics
and Engineering education background will be advantageous.
Active in organization/ campus activities.
Passionate in learning specifically in procurement area.

Period of Internship : Maximum of 1 year.

Check IBM job openings in our career portal. Send your resume directly
through our email to recruit@id.ibm. com
at the latest by March 17th, 2008.

Please quote the position title as the subject of your email to apply
- Only short listed candidates will be contacted.

Senin, 03 Maret 2008

JOB-Fresh Engineers-Antam

PT Antam Tbk, an internationally- listed, leading Indonesian
diversified mining and metals company, invites highly-motivated and
qualified individuals to join:

A. Antam's Project of Nickel Energy and Development (NEDP) as a
contractual employee:

1. Code: Senior/Junior Exploration Mining Engineer (S1 Exploration
Mining Engineering) .
2. Code: Senior/Junior Mechanical Engineer (S1 Mechanical Engineering) .
3. Code: Senior/Junior Electrical Engineer (S1 Electrical Engineering) .
4. Code: Senior/Junior Chemical Engineer (S1 Chemical Engineering) .
5. Code: Senior/Junior Civil Engineer (S1 Civil Engineering) .
6. Code: Senior/Junior Metallurgical Engineer (S1 Metallurgical
Engineering) .
7. Code: Senior/Junior Instrument Engineer (S1 Physical
Engineering/ Electrical Engineering) .
8. Code: Senior Environment (S1 Environment) .
9. Code: Senior/Junior Legal (S1 Legal, Business Law).
10. Code: Senior/Junior Financial, Commercial & Budget Control (S1
Having experience in Financial Company, Project Negotiation &
Financial Model.
11. Code: Senior/Junior External Relation (S1 Communication/ Public
12. Code: Junior Librarian (S1/D3 Library).

General Qualification for Contractual Employee of NEDP:
- Have minimum 2 years experience (for Junior Staff) and 5-12 years
experience (for Senior Staff) in Engineering & Construction
background/Mining Company.
- Good command in English both oral and written.
- High Interpersonal skill.
- Able to assign in remote area.

B. As A Permanent Employee of PT Antam Tbk.

1. S1/D3 Accounting (code: Accounting Staff).
2. S1 Legal, concentration Business Law (code: Legal Staff). Having
knowledge in law aspect in national/internatio nal business contract.
3. S1 Informatics/ Electrical Engineering/ Computer Science (code:
Informatics Staff).
Knowledge of language programming .net or Java.
Having knowledge and experience in database (ORACLE/SQL Server).
Able to design and implementing system.

General Qualification for Permanent Employee of PT Antam Tbk:
- Applicant have to send complete application & TOEFL Certificate
(minimum score 500) and TOEFL will be tested again by PT Antam Tbk.
- Minimum GPA 3.00 from scale of 4.00.
- Maximum age 30 years old.
- High interpersonal skill.
- Able to assign in remote area.
- Preferable have 2 years experience in related field, fresh graduate
are welcome.

Please send your complete application before March 12nd 2008 and put
the position code on the lop left corner of the envelope to :

Senior Manager Human Resources
Head Office of PT Antam Tbk
Jl. Letjen T.B. Simatupang No. 1, Tanjung Barat
Jakarta 12530

The Passing Candidates will be phoned by PT Antam Tbk at March 21st,

JOB-Fresh McDermott Indonesia


The biggest offshore fabricator in Indonesia and one of the largest
offshore construction companies in the world requires proficient,
efficient, and highly motivated individuals for the following positions:


Key Requirements :
• Engineering Degree from reputable university with a preferred CPA of
2.8 or above.
• Civil/ Mechanical/ Electrical/ Chemical/ Physics/ Industrial
Engineer Degree.
• Fresh Graduates are welcome.
• Should have interest in the fabrication of offshore oil and gas
platform in a multi-discipline and project management oriented
function, willing to work in a hardworking environment.
• Willing to be located in Batam Island, Indonesia.
• Leadership qualities, for future development within our company.
• Proficient in English (writing and verbal) is a must.

Excellent long term career and a competitive salary package will be
offered to the successful candidates. If your vision of a work
environment includes the challenges which can lead to personal growth,
respect for ideas, and colleagues who rank with the best, then please
send your application and resume in English, quoting job code, with
copy of qualification certificates and recent photograph (4x6 cm) no
later than 2 weeks to :

Human Resources Department
PT McDermott Indonesia
Jl. Bawal - Batu Ampar, Batam Island – Indonesia
or e-mail to : hrd.batam@mcdermott .com
Closing date: March 15, 2008


PT ELNUSA, Tbk is a public fisted Oil & Gas Services Company with 39
years of experiences serving the Oil & Gas Industry (see:
www.elnusa.co. id) looking for highly motivated person for the position of:


FUNCTIONS : Generate business & achieve revenues target, develop
network & maintain relationship also contact the client at Oil & Gas
Industry in Indonesia.

• Year of Experience Min. 5 years experience in Oil & Gas Industry
(1-3) and in any industry (4-5), Min. 3 years experience in Oil & Gas
Industry (6-8), Min. 2 years experience in G&G software (9-10).
• Min. Bachelor Degree of Petroleum Engineering, Geology Engineering
or related also experience in well services operation (Workover,
Wireline, Coiled Tubing Cementing, Nitrogen etc.) will be a plus point
(1, 3, 6, 7, 8, 10); Bachelor Degree of Law(2), Bachelor Degree of
Information Technology or related, Implemented SAP (4), Bachelor
Degree of Geophysics (9).
• Diploma degree, Fresh Graduate, or max. 3 years experience, majoring
in Mechanical Engineer, Petroleum Engineer, Geology, Electrical
Engineer, Physic Engineer, Physic, Industrial Engineer, and Chemical
Engineer with minimum GPA, 2.70 scale of 4.00 (11).
• Having network with PSC, BP Migas and Oil & Gas Industry (1).
• Understand the business process, regulation of tender and bidding
for oil & gas project & related laws, regulation also have a good
leadership and management skill, fluent in English (1 - 2).
• Experience HR Function, especially compensation & benefit (5).
• Have a good knowledge on Reservoir Characterization and/or Seismic
Interpretation, Familiar with Geodepth Paradigm software (9).
• Geological modeling (depositional environment & structure
deformation) , Well log interpretation (including well to well
correlation) & main zone mapping using petrophysics, geology &
geophysical approach (10).

Send the CV not more than 3 weeks from the date of this advertisement,
State on the subject email the job position (Code) and Expected salary to:
recruitment@ elnusa.co. id.
cc : recruitment. enho@yahoo. com (not more than 100 kb).
Closing date: March 22, 2008